Sunday 8 September 2013

Throwing Classes - Fall, 2013

Hood Throwing Classes:

When you get to the "Hood Ceramics", you will have to join/sign in.
Then, you are free to add images/commentary to the blog.
I have requested some images and comments on the bowls (and joined pieces) that you worked on last week.
We will be using this as a test run to see if it provides us with a way to keep track of our progress.

Here is my first offering:  Chris Staley Altering a Tea Bowl
(Under "Edit", I took a "Snapshot" of the image I wanted and pasted it on the blog)

Staley's tea bowls are wonderful!


Monday 26 November 2012


Guess who never posts on here!
I have been thinking about Kayleigh's large man and this one artists kept coming to mind.
Bruno Catalano

And I've had this little image on my computer for a long time. Little box!

Dear Class,

I just saw the announcement for the Faculty Show Reception on Wednesday night.  I am not listed, but my work is there and I hope to be there.  Here is an image of a wonderful teapot that broke on its way to being displayed - I have substituted another teapot in its place.

Here's hoping Tuesday will be a glorious work filled night with wonderful Show and Tell
